


发布于2018年4月20日12:00 AM

By Richard Hart, Director of Sales Training - 乔治亚州农场局 亚洲体育博彩平台



Some folks say that decades ago people knew what to do about protecting themselves using insurance. There really wasn’t a choice: You got a loan and bought a car; you got a mortgage and bought a house. Then, the bank forced you to buy insurance for those purchases. You bought all the coverage you could afford; it’s just what people did.


对于买车买房的人来说,这些因素仍然存在, but today a growing trend among the millennial generation is “non-ownership consumption,” which means renting or leasing homes and vehicles rather than buying them. 另外, 越来越多的人在网上购买亚洲体育博彩平台,就像购买商品一样, 这导致了一些代价高昂的错误. 你在买亚洲体育博彩平台的时候会犯什么错误呢?    



你的极限太低了; 汽车责任限额很重要. Too many people purchase “state minimum” limits to obtain their vehicle tags, but these low limits probably won’t protect you in the event of event an average-sized loss involving bodily injury. 考虑购买更高责任限额的产品. 是的, 它花费更多的钱, but the difference is small compared to paying a large judgment taken out of your pay over your working life – and yes, 确实发生了.

未投保的驾驶者/投保不足的驾驶者覆盖范围: 这个亚洲体育博彩平台保护的是你,而不是没有亚洲体育博彩平台的司机. It provides coverage for you if you are physically injured by a driver who is uninsured or underinsured. Given how many drivers buy “state minimum” limits, not having this insurance is a significant risk.

你的免赔额太低: You probably can’t afford buy a whole new car, but you probably can afford a larger deductible. Higher deductibles can result in substantially lower premiums. 如果你很少有要求, the amount you save in lower premiums often can more than offset the high-deductible amount.

便宜并不总是更好: Coverage, limits, deductibles and good service also have value. 不要仅仅根据价格来决定购买. Cheaper usually means less coverage – and often in ways that go unexplored by customers. 这可能是事故发生后令人讨厌的意外. Finally, although similar in many ways, not all auto insurance is the same. 亚洲体育博彩平台范围有所不同,一分钱一分货.

商店聪明: Automobile insurance pricing changes as the loss experience of each carrier changes and as the entire insurance market experiences loss trends. It’s a good idea to ask your agent to shop around every two or three years. Agencies such as 乔治亚州农场局 have several carriers to compare against. 但不要每次更新都货比三家, as that will make it more difficult to find an agent to work with you. Shifting carriers too often also invites billing problems and confusion. 



你不相信: Often renters don’t purchase a renter’s policy because it’s not required. However, even when renting, you have more stuff to lose than you think you do. Do you have electronics, computers, musical instruments, firearms or collectibles? 所有这些都可能被烧毁或被盗. 你有足够的钱、信用或资源来替换它们吗? Renter’s insurance can provide property coverage for an incredibly reasonable premium.

你可能会被起诉: 即使你的公寓里只有几件东西, you could get sued by a third party for bodily injury or property damage they claim happened as a result of your negligence. Even if you win the suit, can you afford to pay your legal fees? Renter’s insurance typically includes liability coverage and could pay for both defense and damages.

你觉得太贵了吗? Renter’s insurance is probably the least expensive standard line of insurance available. 这是亚洲体育博彩平台业保守得最好的秘密之一. 亚洲体育博彩平台费很低,但心里很安心. Most renters without insurance have never gotten a quote, yet claim it is too expensive. 值得一看!



你不明白: While auto insurance is required by law, life insurance is not. 因此, folks are less likely – especially those in their 20s – to engage in conversations about life insurance and estate planning. 如果你在乎你爱的人, then it is a good idea to understand how much money would be required to help them in the event of your death – even if you don’t buy anything right now.

你认为你负担不起; The older you are, the more likely it is that life insurance will cost significantly more. 也, 在很多情况下, you can obtain “guaranteed insurability” should you later decide to buy additional or different coverage. 如果你等待, 你可能会多付钱, or may not even be able to buy life insurance if you no longer qualify. A survey by research company LIMRA found that young families think life insurance is three times more expensive than it actually is.

你没有足够的人寿亚洲体育博彩平台; Sure, you may get some term insurance through your employer, but do you really know if that’s enough? 你知道你的雇主提供多少亚洲体育博彩平台吗? 如果你换了工作,失去了这份亚洲体育博彩平台怎么办? LIMRA报告称,每10个美国人中就有3个.S. 家庭根本没有人寿亚洲体育博彩平台. 那些有人寿亚洲体育博彩平台的人, 50 percent of the families surveyed said they didn’t have all of the coverage they needed.

你还没和人寿亚洲体育博彩平台代理人谈过 为什么? Because you don’t want to be sold a product you don’t want or understand. While there are some bad agents who’ve earned this unfortunate reputation, 更多的人会把你的需要和兴趣放在第一位. Don’t let the fear of a few bad experiences keep you from protecting your family like you should. 找一个你信任的代理.


在过去, many of these common mistakes were discussed and dealt with through the use of an insurance agent. Agents served to guide people in understanding how to use insurance products to cover the risks of financial loss they faced in everyday life.  


值得庆幸的是,亚洲体育博彩平台代理人今天仍然存在. In fact, more than 70 percent of auto and home insurance is still purchased from an agent. When you use an insurance agent, you should expect more than just getting a quote. The best agents will help you understand what you are buying and will help you match your needs to the right products – so you won’t make costly mistakes. 买亚洲体育博彩平台并不好玩,而且往往很贵. 确保你得到了你应得的价值.